Saturday, May 30, 2015

Eleven: Guest List

   "Where could we get married?" I mused, flipping through a bridal magazine, filled with pictures of thin, Caucasian woman, their hair twisted and curled, piled atop their heads, as silky, gauzy, pearl studded bodices clung to their chests, their skirts puffy billows of white.
   "And when? The when dictates the where, don't you believe?"
   "I suppose." I shrugged. I didn't have a particular location in mind; I didn't want a fifty thousand dollar affair that took place in a vast ballroom, nor did I want a simple courthouse wedding. Due to our particular lack of religious association, churches, synagogues, or other places of worship were ruled out. 
   "Your parents live in Pittsburgh, so getting them their isn't troublesome, my mum's in bloody England, so it's a bit more troubling. I don't have any close mates who I want there, do you?"
   "Sandi..." I trailed off, standing up, off of the sofa. Quinn and I were friends, we weren't nearly as close as we had been prior to last year's breakup, however we were still friends. You weren't supposed to invite an ex to a wedding, did that logic apply still, though?
   "The plump blonde?"
   "No, that's Quinn."
   "You two are close, aren't you?"
   "Sandi and I, yes, Quinn and I... We used to."
   "What happened?"
    "Uh... We might have slept together. And we might have made out in my classroom at school and a child might have caught us and I might have told them that I was giving Ms. Telph CPR."
   "You dated a coworker?!" He exclaimed, raising an eye brow. "Bloody hell, Lav, what were you two thinking?"
   "We were lonely on Valentine's Day and alcohol." I shrugged, sighing. "It isn't a large deal, darling, plenty of people date their coworker, besides it was a year ago. Now, is it appropriate to invite her to the wedding or not."
   "You broke up last year?" He let out a long, exasperated sigh. "Hell, I don't know. I'd say not, but... Do you want her there? I'm indifferent, as long as you aren't a runaway bride." He teased, planting a kiss on my cheek. 
   "If you think I'd leave you standing alone at the alter, you're mental."
   "Ah, well, that makes two of us now, doesn't it?"

   "You and Skedaddles, right?" I smiled as the tabby attempted to explore the mysterious space that was underneath the sofa.
   "Comparing me to a cat, eh? Bit cruel. Least he's good company."
   "Implying that I'm not?" I exclaimed in mock offense. "Why, James Colton!" 
   "Implying that there are a few things I simply cannot do with a cat that I can do with you."
   "I knew it! My wonderful body is the only reason you have me around."
   "It is smashing, but I meant having a civil, intellectual conversation, tease around, the general social things that are hard to do that with a thing that's scared by its own shadow and considers a laser pointer the height of entertainment. Though I wouldn't protest if you'd like to exhibit your lovely body and let me use it now." He slowly kissed me, as I breathed in the musty, pine scent of his cologne.

   "Tragically, we have to plan this wedding."
   "What day?"
   "Not April. Not near Arbor Day."
   "Your... Your parents? The... Body?" I nodded solemnly. I'd mourned, I'd moved on, however I couldn't bare the idea of celebrating something so joyous around something that'd been so shockingly painful, something that had sent me into a bit of an identity crisis.
   "Provided we don't do it in May."
   "Ms. American Allurance?" He nodded. 
   "So June?"
   "Sure. I'll call my mum later, England's five hour's ahead. So who else do we need to invite?"
   "I don't know who else. I want the affair to be rather small, close friends and family only, obviously my parents, Sandi... But... Maybe I can get Sandi to see how she feels about the ordeal. What do you think?"
   "Darling, do what you think is best."
   "Okay." I sighed, picking up my phone."I'll call Sandi and ask her."


  1. Sweet. Wedding planning. These guys seem to be discussing lots of important things, which is really good. :D I wonder what Sandi will think of the whole Quinn thing. I could see it going two ways... one since these three girls were such good friends before, not having Quinn there to celebrate would be sad, but things do change over time, and Quinn isn't as close, so maybe it won't be as big of a deal. Hmm... :D

    1. It is good, when I think of wedding planning it goes something along the lines of: "Guest list?! Ugh, cake, flowers, AND a venue? Dammit, let's just elope." So I try and ensure that my characters are the opposite of that, haha. :D
      It is very complicated, considering that Sandi and Quinn are close friends and Lavender and Quinn were also very close prior to their relationship, so it might be a bit sad for her to not be there, however you are right; Lav and her aren't incredibly close now, so she may be indifferent...

  2. Hehe, I haven't been around for a while, now have I? Lol.

    I hate all of the waiting and sitting parts of the wedding, but I think that it'd be different if I was getting married myself.

    Knowing me, I'd probably have an Eastern and Western ceremony since I'm Chinese xD

    Hmm, I hope all goes well for them. Hopefully nothing tragic happens on the wedding day.

    1. Haha, that's alright, I haven't been super on top of it either.. X)

      I've never planned a wedding, nor have I ever been to a wedding, since everyone I know tends to have been married for forever or single, but I agree, I think it'd be a bit dull.

      That'd be really neat! I'm sure it'd be gorgeous. :D

      Lav's suffered plenty of tragedy and a fair share of befuddlement when it comes to her relationship with James, I'm sure that they'll *probably* have a fairly uneventful day. ;)
