Sunday, July 3, 2016

Familiar Animal Award

I've been nominated by the absolutely lovely LateKnightSimmer for the Familiar Animal Award! Thank you so much for nominating me!  ♥

Rules for Accepting the Award:
  • Thank the Blogger who nominated you and link back to their page
  • Post the Award picture on your blog (I created my own, hopefully that's okay!)
  • Write a short paragraph about yourself and what your blog means to you
  • If you could be any animal, what would it be?
  • Pick and notify your nominees
About Me:
I'm not sure how much to write about myself, since I could probably ramble on for years. I grew up in a small Southern town, which aren't nearly as quaint as the media leads you to believe. There's not a lot to do and not a lot of space for liberal thinking, or at least in my town. Perhaps it's different in other small towns. I'm beginning uni in the fall and have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. I've contemplated becoming a pharmacist, OB/GYN, computer programmer, the list goes on and on...  I enjoy reading, baking, debating, and writing; With Love is my second legacy blog. While my progress isn't as steady as I'd like it to be, it's still been a lovely experience. Legacy blogging has allowed me to discover a whole community of simmers to connect with and has given me a creative outlet where I can work on refining my writing skills.

My Animal:
If I could be an animal, um... I'm terrified of heights and my swimming skills are almost nonexistent, so that rules out anything aquatic or winged... Maybe a house cat? Cats are fairly intelligent creatures (I hope I'm somewhat intelligent, haha), independent, inquisitive, and can be very vocal or incredibly quiet when they'd like to be. Those are all qualities I hope I possesses! Cats can also be seen as moody or aloof animals and I supposed I can be both of those things, at times. Does this sound too much like a third grader trying to complete their creative writing prompt? It's probably time to move on to the fifth and final step...

My Nominations:


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