Saturday, April 4, 2015

Music In Chapters

I love it when people use music in their legacies; I've been meaning too, yet I am worried the song won't properly match my writing style or I simply forget. There are a few songs that I am rather fond of and am planning to use, eventually; be prepared to see them in future generations (no, I will *not* be cramming them all into Lav's generation, don't worry).

Jimmy Eat World: Sweetness (cover)

 Walk the Moon: Shut Up and Dance With Me

Halestorm: Amen

Ingrid Michelson: The Way I Am

 Shelia She Loves You: Don't Give Us Poets, Give Us Bread

 I'm not planning on using this in a chapter, I just enjoyed it

We the Kings: Sad Song

Chloe Howl: Disappointed

Fitz & the Tantrums: The Walker

New Politics: Harlem

Bleachers: Rollercoaster

And that Paul Simon song.
And this one, that one, hey, this one, too, and maybe this one and cool, this exists.
And that German one.
And that one from the movie that my parent's liked.
Oh and a cheesy T-Swift song THAT YOU CAN NOT FIND ON YOUTUBE, DAMMIT, but at least it has an amazing cover and oh, yeah, how about some Birdy?
Annnnnnd what about Tessa Violet?
Snow Patrol, anyone?
This is just turning into songs I enjoy.
And took me like an hour.
I was actually going to write a chapter, not just a post about songs I might use in chapters.
Oh well.

That was an insane amount of music, right? Sooooooo, what do you think? I'm presuming that you watched a few videos and/or clicked on a few links in the above paragraph (I'm not sure, with this template and everything, if you can see what are and are not links, so...). Have a favorite? I know that there are a lot 'love' songs; when I listen to them, I think of so many cute sub-plots for each generation (I have a few planned out... in an excel document... I *might* be a nerd who overly-enjoys writing and planning things out).

P.S. Feeling adventerous? Type 'Barenaked Ladies band' into google, press search, and pray to whatever deity you do or do not believe in that actual bare naked ladies do not show up.


  1. When I use songs in a chapter, it's usually a certain part of the lyric that I hear that stands out to me, and reminds me of a certain character of mine. Sometimes it's not just characters, but a relationship dynamic that I have written. I don't know how it works for you, but I usually let the song come to me, rather than sort of forcing myself to find something that works for the chapter. I hope that makes sense. :)

    1. That's great advice; thank you. I hear songs all the time and I think that they'd go great with some plot or a character's personality, then I end up forgetting them; this was a list of songs where some of them came to me (which makes sense, IMO) and some that I enjoy a rather large amount and think may be able to be worked into the story. :)
