Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Am Not Crazy

I am not crazy. 
In case you skipped the title, I just wanted to reiterate that point. 
Why would someone think I was crazy, you may ask... Well, perhaps vicariously living through fictional characters is peculiar or crying over Netflix at three is odd, but I digress.
This is not why I was called crazy.
I was called crazy because I'm pacing my driveway. 
Why am I pacing the driveway, playing on my iPad mini? (Oh yeah- I'm blogging this on an iPad mini.. That I bought like three years ago used... I mean, in between that, my TV that has a built in VHS tape player, and my seven year old windows XP PC, I'm *totally* living the upper class lifestyle).
Because I cannot afford a gym membership.
And I got a free FitBitZip.
And my AC isn't working great, so I have no intentions of utilizing the world of free Internet workout sessions when it's cooler outside than in.
So, yes. 
On my borrowed wifi connection, since mine isn't reaching the end of the driveway, I'm blogging and listening to Anna Kendrick sing, while gray storm clouds loom above, threatening to break and release pounding droplets of water.
Walking is dull. 



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